user names and passwords
Canvas: NCEdCloud:
- Username: Student ID number
- Password: student self-selected
- Username: student
- Password: YYMMDD capital letter of first initial lower case middle initial lower case last name initial (150903MA)
- Username: first initial + last name + last 4 digits of studentID
- Password: YYMMDD(Date of birth)
- School: CMSD
- Username: StudentID_cms
- Password: StudentID
- Username: CMSCARMELstudent
- Password: student
- Password: wiseowl (only needed when using from home)
notice regarding absences
CMS attendance policy requires a note to excuse an absence. For days your child is absent, please email our attendance secretary, Tanya Royston, at [email protected] on the day of your child’s absence or send a note to school upon their return.
A doctor's note is preferable for all absences, but it is required for any absence of three (3) consecutive days. Students who leave school during the day for appointments should bring an excuse to school upon their return.
If you have questions about excusing absences for reasons other than illness, please contact Ms. Jones.
A doctor's note is preferable for all absences, but it is required for any absence of three (3) consecutive days. Students who leave school during the day for appointments should bring an excuse to school upon their return.
If you have questions about excusing absences for reasons other than illness, please contact Ms. Jones.
early dismissal
If your child will need to leave early from school, please be sure that s/he has a signed note from a parent/legal guardian indicating the specific time they will need to report to the office for pick-up.
Your child should bring this note to the front office before 9:15am. Your child will receive a pass that allows them to leave the classroom at the appropriate time. Parents should arrive by the time indicated on the note.
All students must be signed out at the front office. We will not make school wide “all calls” for students. If you arrive after 3:30pm to pick up your child, you will be asked to wait until afternoon announcements.
These guidelines are in place to preserve a focused learning environment for all classes and to allow for flexible grouping by moving students to different classes. Parents are strongly encouraged to abide by these guidelines, allowing us to keep classroom disruptions at a minimum.
Your child should bring this note to the front office before 9:15am. Your child will receive a pass that allows them to leave the classroom at the appropriate time. Parents should arrive by the time indicated on the note.
All students must be signed out at the front office. We will not make school wide “all calls” for students. If you arrive after 3:30pm to pick up your child, you will be asked to wait until afternoon announcements.
These guidelines are in place to preserve a focused learning environment for all classes and to allow for flexible grouping by moving students to different classes. Parents are strongly encouraged to abide by these guidelines, allowing us to keep classroom disruptions at a minimum.
useful links
The National Parent Teacher Organization
The North Carolina Parent Teacher Organization
The Mecklenburg County Parent Teacher Organication
The North Carolina Parent Teacher Organization
The Mecklenburg County Parent Teacher Organication
Click on the following to be taken to the designated page.
For more information and to get started (register) on Power School, please visit the CMS Power School Website.
For more information and to get started (register) on Power School, please visit the CMS Power School Website.